When I worked at Ogilvy, I had the pleasure of working on IBM, a super interesting account. From the mainframe to personal computing to targeting CIOs and the C-suite in general, it was a great learning opportunity. I've worked on impactful campaigns, including IBM Smarter Planet, promoting CIOs and mainframe migration. Despite tech advancements, recognizing the human element is crucial. Here are just a few of the campaigns

While print may be considered outdated with its limited data capture compared to the infinite possibilities online, it still presents a charming opportunity for creatives. These illustrations translate seamlessly into the digital environment and stand out from other works in the category. This insight suggests that CIOs see opportunities that others don't.

Now the global average cost of a data breach rose by 15% to USD 4.45 million. Our campaign addressed this concern through cost-effective prevention. We used interactive gaming content, challenging users to click on viruses and plug leaks, illustrating the difficulty of stopping threats. However, plugging the leak proved impossible as it became too fast. Creating clickable content demands a provocative approach for effective audience engagement.

This was an award-winning campaign that visually depicted the basic human struggle of remembering your password. It helped to keep the ThinkPads relevant.