Munch was a brand development and app creation project designed to bring fast food and everyday snacks into one convenient platform. It featured a loyalty program and a low delivery fee to address the challenges many restaurants face with larger delivery services. The branding was fun and playful, making it stand out in a sea of sameness.
Munch like the rapid development of apps addressing immediate needs, brand creation demands swift action. Case in point: my recent work on the app Munch, which addresses high aggregator fees by offering lower commissions to restaurants. In just a few months, we developed the brand story, purpose, UI/UX, and executed a successful programmatic campaign challenging the competition.
So next time you’re about to build a brand in no time, think of it like Tinder. It may be fast, but there is the possibility of a long and meaningful relationship, or at the very least the start of a friendship. All it takes is one swipe or one click. Thank you, next!


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