Water consumption throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been increasing significantly, despite the increased efforts by the Ministry of Water to encourage people to reduce consumption. Water is wasted every day; we leave the tap running, forget to replace leaky pipes, and, in fact, most plants do not die of drought but of overwatering. We dynamically showcase what water waste looks like and remind people that it's their water. The installation visually depicted the average water consumption in Saudi Arabia by every family, revealing the shocking reality of their usage. It is in their interest to use it wisely. We also provide them with solutions on how to save.

Digital banners and games were pitched: "Plug the Leak." The premise of the game is to stop the leaks, and to do that, we should work together. The game is played on a large touch screen monitor. The number and speed of leaks that appear on the screen increase as the game progresses. The more leaks the players stop, the more points they earn.